Language preference:

Phase 2 / ForeignKeyQueryAttribute

The user interface provides a Field Template to edit foreign key DataFields. That editor is usually a list of records from the table associated with the foreign key. For example, when editing a Product, its Categories DataField shows a list of Categories. You may not want all records displayed, or you want a different sort order.

The ForeignKeyQueryAttribute lets you define the query. In fact, you can add several ForeignKeyQueryAttributes to offer different queries, each with a unique name from which the user interface can choose.

It can also offer a DataField name whose value to display in the list.

Here are ForeignKeyQueryAttributes associated with the Product Entity class. The Category property has 3 ForeignKeyQueryAttributes. The first, with QueryName="", is selected by default. (This can be overridden within the ICustomizeDataField interface.)

public class ProductMetadata
   [DESDA.ForeignKeyQuery(QueryName="", DisplayDataFields="CompanyName|ContactName", OrderBy="CompanyName")]
   public object Supplier { get; set; }

   [DESDA.ForeignKeyQuery(QueryName="", Where="", OrderBy="CategoryName")]
   [DESDA.ForeignKeyQuery(QueryName="Desc", Where="", OrderBy="CategoryName desc")]
   [DESDA.ForeignKeyQuery(QueryName="Condiments and Beverages", 
      Where="(CategoryName == \"Condiments\") or (CategoryName == \"Beverages\")", OrderBy="CategoryName")]
   public object Category { get; set; }

The Source Code Browser shows completed DataAnnotations. The ForeignKeyQueryAttributes have been highlighted.

In the next topic, you'll learn how to tell the user interface which DataFields should offer filters.

Open the Source Code Browser (C# only)
Source Code Browser
/* ------------------------------------------------
 * Describes the Entity class for: Product
 * Classes:
 *    Product - Entity class. Edit it for validation and to customize metadata at runtime
 *    ProductMetadata - Entity Metadata class. It contains the DataAnnotations.
 *    ProductDAO - BLD DataAccessObject format version of a Data Access Object.
 * Requires .net 4.0 and these references:
 *    System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
 *    PeterBlum.DES
 *    PeterBlum.DES.DataAnnotations
 * Generated: 7/8/2011 4:19:57 PM
 * ------------------------------------------------*/

using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using PeterBlum.DES.DAO.Attributes;
using PeterBlum.DES.DAO.EntityDAO;
using PeterBlum.DES.DAO.EntityFilters;
using PeterBlum.DES.DAO;
// Some members of this namespace have identical names to those in System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations
// making it easy to switch from one to the other by adding the "DESDA." prefix
using DESDA = PeterBlum.DES.DataAnnotations;

namespace PeterBlum.WithDataAnnotations
   // --- ENTITY CLASS --------------------------------------------------
   /// <summary>
   /// Entity class. Edit it for validation and to customize metadata at runtime
   /// </summary>
   public partial class Product : DESDA.ICustomizeDataField
      [DESDA.DisplayName("Value of Stock")]
      [DESDA.ScaffoldColumn(100, true)]
      [DESDA.CalculationDescriptor("if (Not Discontinued) then {UnitPrice * UnitsInStock} else novalue")]
      [DESDA.ColumnRestriction("Customer", DESDA.DenyAccess.All)]
      [DESDA.SortableColumn(SortExpression="UnitPrice * UnitsInStock", Sortable=true)]
      public decimal ValueOfStock
            if (!Discontinued)
               if (UnitPrice.HasValue && UnitsInStock.HasValue)
                  return UnitPrice.Value * UnitsInStock.Value;
            return 0.0M;

      [DESDA.CalculationDescriptor("if (!Discontinued) then {UnitPrice * (UnitsInStock + UnitsOnOrder)} else novalue")]
      [DESDA.ScaffoldColumn(101, true)]
      [DESDA.DisplayName("Value of Available Units", ShortDisplayName="Val avail.")]
      [DESDA.ColumnRestriction("Customer", DESDA.DenyAccess.All)]
      public decimal ValueOfAvailableUnits
            if (!Discontinued)
               int vStock = 0;
               if (UnitsInStock.HasValue)
                  vStock = UnitsInStock.Value;
               if (UnitsOnOrder.HasValue)
                  vStock = vStock + UnitsOnOrder.Value;

               if (UnitPrice.HasValue)
                  return UnitPrice.Value * vStock;
            return 0.0M;

/// <summary>
/// Expose a property of the nested Supplier object
/// </summary>
      [AttributeSource(typeof(Supplier), "HomePage")]
      public string SupplierHomePage
            if (Supplier != null)
               return Supplier.HomePage;
            return String.Empty;

      #region ICustomizeDataField Members
      /// <summary>
      /// Modify the business logic to account for runtime situations.
      /// Always consider pModifiableColumn.StaticColumn as a READ ONLY property.
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="pModifiableColumn"></param>
      public void CustomizeDataField(DESDA.ActiveDataField activeDataField)
         switch (activeDataField.DataField)
            case "Category":
               activeDataField.SelectForeignKeyQueryAttribute("Desc", false);
         }  // switch


   }  // class Product

   // --- ENTITY METADATA --------------------------------------------------
   /// <summary>
   /// Entity Metadata class.
   /// Companion to the Product Entity class that contains the DataAnnotations
   /// on properties with the same names as those in the actual Entity class.
   /// These properties do not require their types to match those in the Entity class.
   /// An Entity Metadata class allows the Entity class to be regenerated without
   /// overwriting DataAnnotations.
   /// </summary>
   [DESDA.TableRestriction("Admin", DESDA.DenyAccess.None)]
   [DESDA.TableRestriction("Customer", DESDA.DenyAccess.Edit | DESDA.DenyAccess.Delete | DESDA.DenyAccess.Insert)]
   public class ProductMetadata
      [DESDA.DisplayName("Product ID", ShortDisplayName="ID")]
      public object ProductID { get; set; }

      [DESDA.CharacterSet(LettersLowercase=true, LettersUppercase=true, Digits=true, 
         Space=true, DiacriticLetters=true, OtherCharacters="'",
         ErrorMessage="Illegal character", SummaryErrorMessage="{LABEL} has an illegal character.")]
      [DESDA.DisplayName("Product Name", ShortDisplayName="Name")]
      [DESDA.Description("The product name.", Prompt="Enter the product name:")]
      public object ProductName { get; set; }
      [DESDA.DisplayName("Quantity Per Unit")]
      [DESDA.ScaffoldColumn("UnitPrice")] // positioned after UnitPrice when scaffolding
      public object QuantityPerUnit { get; set; }

      [DESDA.CurrencyDataType(MaxWholeDigits=4, UseCurrencySymbol=true, AllowNegatives=false)]
      [DESDA.Description("The price of one unit", Prompt="Enter the price for one unit")]
      [DESDA.DisplayName("Unit Price")]
      [DESDA.RangeEntityFilterPicker(true, 0, 10, 20, 100)]
      [DESDA.CompareBooleanDependency(DataField="Discontinued", ValueToCompare=false)]
      public object UnitPrice { get; set; }

      [DESDA.IntegerDataType(MaxWholeDigits=3, AllowNegatives=false)]
      [DESDA.CompareToValue(500, PeterBlum.DES.ConditionOperator.LessThan)]
      [DESDA.DisplayName("Units In Stock")]
      [DESDA.RangeEntityFilterPicker(false, 0, 9, 10, 49, 50, 99, 100)]
      [DESDA.ColumnRestriction("Customer", DESDA.DenyAccess.View)]
      public object UnitsInStock { get; set; }

      [DESDA.IntegerDataType(MaxWholeDigits=3, AllowNegatives=false)]
      [DESDA.DisplayName("Units On Order")]
      [DESDA.Range(0, 199)]
      [DESDA.RangeEntityFilterPicker(false, 0, 9, 10, 49, 50, 99, 100)]
      [DESDA.ColumnRestriction("Customer", DESDA.DenyAccess.View)]
      public object UnitsOnOrder { get; set; }

      [DESDA.Enumerated(typeof(ReorderLevelEnum), ValueNameList="10=Medium Low|50=Medium High")]
      [DESDA.DisplayName("Reorder Level")]
      [DESDA.ColumnRestriction("Customer", DESDA.DenyAccess.View)]
      public object ReorderLevel { get; set; }

      [DESDA.ForeignKeyQuery(QueryName="", DisplayDataFields="CompanyName|ContactName", OrderBy="CompanyName")]
      public object Supplier { get; set; }

/// <summary>
/// Each ForeignKeyQuery describes one way to query the Category table
/// that the UI may use. The Product.CustomizeDataField method identifies
/// the default query in ActiveDataField.SelectForeignKeyQueryAttribute.
/// ForeignKey FieldTemplates offer a QueryName property where
/// you can override this default.
/// </summary>
      [DefaultValue(1)]  // = ID of Beverages
      [DESDA.ForeignKeyQuery(QueryName="", Where="", OrderBy="CategoryName")]
      [DESDA.ForeignKeyQuery(QueryName="Desc", Where="", OrderBy="CategoryName desc")]
      [DESDA.ForeignKeyQuery(QueryName="Condiments and Beverages", 
         Where="(CategoryName == \"Condiments\") or (CategoryName == \"Beverages\")", OrderBy="CategoryName")]
      public object Category { get; set; }

/// <summary>
/// The RequiredAttribute is only enabled when the ZeroUnitsInStock dependency
/// determines that the UnitsInStock is 0.
/// The Dependency called "Strict" is available for the UI to enforce
/// stricter rules, where its required if QuantityPerUnit is empty
/// or UnitsInStock are 0. A Field Template must set its DependencyName property
/// to "Strict" to use this dependency.
/// </summary>
      [DESDA.CompareToValueDependency(Name="ZeroUnitsInStock", DataField="UnitsInStock",
         Operator=PeterBlum.DES.ConditionOperator.Equal, ValueToCompareAsNative=0)]
      [DESDA.RequiredDependency(Name="QtyPerUnitEmpty", DataFields="QuantityPerUnit", NotCondition=true )]
        Expression="ZeroUnitsInStock OR QtyPerUnitEmpty")]
      public object Discontinued { get; set; }

      [DESDA.ColumnRestriction("Customer", DESDA.DenyAccess.All)]
      public object Order_Details { get; set; }

   }  // class ProductMetadata

/// <summary>
/// Used by the ReorderLevel property to establish fixed integer values
/// that can be assigned by the user.
/// </summary>
   public enum ReorderLevelEnum
      None = 0,
      Low = 5,
      MediumLow = 10,
      Medium = 30,
      MediumHigh = 50,
      High = 100

   // --- BLD DATAACCESSOBJECT  --------------------------------------------------
   /// <summary>
   /// BLD DataAccessObject class for the Product Entity class.
   /// It provides CRUD actions. The parent class already has default
   /// methods for Update(), Insert(), Delete() and several queries.
   /// </summary>
   /// <remarks>
   /// <para>For documentation, see the BLD DataAccessObject section of the Business Logic User's Guide.</para>
   /// </remarks>
   public class ProductDAO : LINQtoSQLEntityDAO<Product>
      public ProductDAO() : base(typeof(NorthWindDataContext)) { }
      public ProductDAO(object pDataContext) : base(pDataContext) { }

/// <summary>
/// Returns products between a price range. Supports filters
/// and sorting passed in through the SelectArgs.
/// Uses EntityFilters to add a filter to the query. 
/// (There are many ways to adjust the query, such as using LINQ
/// and the PeterBlum.DES.DAO.EntityDAO.WhereClause class which
/// lets you construct a SQL-like statement.)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="startPrice"></param>
/// <param name="endPrice"></param>
/// <param name="selectArgs"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
      [DataObjectMethod(DataObjectMethodType.Select, false)]
      [SelectMethodParameter(ActualName="startPrice", AliasNames="StartPrice")]
      [SelectMethodParameter(ActualName="endPrice", AliasNames="EndPrice")]
      [Description("All Products whose UnitPrice is within these parameters.")]
      [SelectArgs(Filters=true, SortExpression=true, Paging=true)]
      public IEnumerable<Product> SelectPriceRange(
        decimal startPrice, decimal endPrice, SelectArgs selectArgs)
        if (endPrice == 0)
           endPrice = 999999999.99M;

          new RangeEntityFilter("UnitPrice", startPrice, endPrice));
        return ExecuteSelectCommand(selectArgs);

/// <summary>
/// Uses a stored procedure called Ten Most Expensive Products that has
/// already been added to the NorthWindDataContext class as a method
/// named Ten_Most_Expensive_Products(). It takes no parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="selectArgs"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
      [DataObjectMethod(DataObjectMethodType.Select, false)]
      [SelectMethodParameter(ActualName="startPrice", AliasNames="StartPrice")]
      [SelectMethodParameter(ActualName="endPrice", AliasNames="EndPrice")]
      [Description("All Products whose UnitPrice is within these parameters.")]
      [SelectArgs(Filters=true, SortExpression=true, Paging=true)]
      public IEnumerable<Product> TopTen(SelectArgs selectArgs)
         NorthWindDataContext vDataContext = new NorthWindDataContext();
         var vProducts = vDataContext.Ten_Most_Expensive_Products();
        return ExecuteSelectCommand(vProducts, selectArgs, "TenMostExpensive");
   }  // class ProductDAO
